Bill Nye with a blind eye: Acknowledge your assumptions

Scientific observation is based upon tradition as well as reason. To assume science is only a reason based system, driven purely by observation, disregards that the framework by which one observes will always be based upon the lens of tradition one looks through. If the grand narrative of a society is really just a play for power then this is a phenomenal example of what is to come.

Yet the Christian knows the Story, of God’s creation, sovereignty, reign and salvation in Jesus Christ who already reigns. No need for power plays , no need for useless arguments and debates, but a desperate need for consistent demonstration in word, deed, and life of heavens power. Thy kingdom come thy will be done. It is near and it is at hand. But lest we forget, the way to the resurrection goes through a bloody cross of angry mobs and power hungry systems that do not understand the Kingdom nor her King.

As Leslie Newbigin wrote,

This faith enables us to be at the same time realistic and hopeful. We can be realistic, knowing that no human project can eliminate the powers of darkness as they operate in human life. This realism delivers us from the utopian fanaticisms which have condemned millions of people to misery and death in the cause of an imagined future. But at the same time we can be hopeful, acting hopefully in apparently hopeless situations, not dreaming of an absolute perfection on this side of death, but doing resolutely that relative good which is possible now, doing it as an offering to the Lord who is able to take it and keep it for the perfect kingdom which is promised. In this sense, to use a phrase of Schweitzer, our actions in the public life of the world are acted prayers for the kingdom. They do not themselves lead directly to the kingdom. They are acted prayers for its coming and as such they act as signs of its reality and so enable others to act in hope. {1}

Believers acknowledge our tradition and assumptions. Standing in the middle of our tradition is the Son of God who rose from the dead. It is the resurrected Christ who makes sense of this world and the one to come. I will stake my life in the gospel alone, knowing that it stands against everything in this world, but powerfully demonstrates the one to come.

{1} Lesslie Newbigin. The Gospel in a Pluralist Society (Kindle Locations 1768-1774). Kindle Edition.

The Pastor: Who Do We Think He Is Anyway?

 I have this experience as I travel around the world. By means of what God has called me to do I am some place almost every weekend. I am usually in great churches. Somewhere on the the weekend, someone on the pastoral staff will grab me, pull me into a room, and unfold for me some kind of mess in their personal life. It’s happened again and again. I was on one of those weekends and I was walking in a hallway trying to get a break between sessions. A hand pulled me into the bathroom and there was a pastor in the bathroom weeping and saying, “I need help.”

I want to speak today into what I would call “pastoral culture,” the real life and heart behind pastoral ministry.

Read the rest by Paul Tripp “Dangerous Calling